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‘I Have Touched Many’ – Veteran Educator to Receive PM’s Medal of Appreciation

By: , June 20, 2016

The Key Point:

Having served the teaching profession for over 37 years, Ivorine Pauline Pitters views her nomination for the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for service to education as a highlight of her career.
‘I Have Touched Many’ – Veteran Educator to Receive PM’s Medal of Appreciation
Photo: Marlon Tingling
Prime Minister Medal of Appreciation awardee, Ivorine Pitters (left) of the Albert Town High School in Trelawny, receives a congratulatory hug and words of encouragement from Acting Principal of the institution, Dwayne Edwards. Ms. Pitters has served the education profession for 37 years and will be presented with the award by Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness during a ceremony at Kings’ House on June 23.

The Facts

  • “I am excited, I am happy, I am feeling well rewarded for a job well done,” Ms. Pitters stated, as she fought to hold back the tears.
  • “Everybody loves her, she goes the extra mile for people… When I was attending this school as a student, I did business management…I saw her teaching management and I liked it.

The Full Story

Having served the teaching profession for over 37 years, Ivorine Pauline Pitters views her nomination for the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for service to education as a highlight of her career.

Ms. Pitters is a teacher of Home Economics, Management of Food and Nutrition at the Albert Town High School in Trelawny, an institution she has been serving with pride since 1979.

Speaking in an interview with JIS News, Ms. Pitters expressed the view that despite receiving many accolades during her years as a member of the Teaching profession, the recognition from the Prime Minister stands out.

“I am excited, I am happy, I am feeling well rewarded for a job well done,” Ms. Pitters stated, as she fought to hold back the tears.

Ms. Pitters is the recipient of awards such as the Governor General’s Achievement Award for Trelawny in 2012, the Jamaica Teachers’ Association Long Service award and a number of other recognitions from the church.

Looking back at her almost four decades of service, Ms. Pitters told JIS News that her most significant reward comes from the role she played in the development of the many young minds that have crossed paths with her.

“As I travel the country and even on the international scene, I have seen many of my past students that I was able to touch…. and many of them have said thank you miss for having helped to mold me to where I am today,” Ms Pitters said.

The Albert Town High School teacher has been credited for her role in the establishment of the Upper Trelawny Vocational Training Institution and the Red Cross group at the school.

She also assists in training youth at the Albert Town HEART/NTA evening institute.

She is a member of the Police Consultative Community committee for Trelawny, an Evangelist at the United Pentecostal Church in wait-A-Bit, as well as a past president of the Upper Trelawny Kiwanis Club.

Ms. Pitters, who said she could be retiring from the teaching profession soon, said she has a vision of going into full time ministry.

“If I have the strength and the vigor, I still intend to try and help some young persons to achieve their education goals, but maybe I am going into full time ministry in the church,” she stated.

Ms. Pitters is one of 40 teachers, who will be honoured with the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation during a ceremony scheduled for Thursday, June 23 on the lawns of Jamaica House, commencing at 6:30 p.m.

Consummate Educator

Meanwhile, Acting Principal of the Albert Town High School, Dwayne Edwards told JIS News that working with Ms. Pitters has been a dream, as she is the consummate educator and a true professional who is deserving of any award.

“Ms. Pitters is an excellent teacher and she would have served Albert Town for over 30 years. She is certainly deserving of this and I am extremely happy that she has been selected,” he said.

Two of Ms. Pitters’ past students, are also full of praise for her efforts in helping to build them professionally and academically.

Mathematics Teacher at the Albert Town High School, Mrs. Rose-Marie McLean said Ms. Pitters is deserving of the award.

“Everybody loves her, she goes the extra mile for people… When I was attending this school as a student, I did business management…I saw her teaching management and I liked it.

I am feeling happy for her being awarded the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for education and I know she deserves it,” she stated.

Administrative Assistant to the Principal at the school, Teka-Ann Brown who holds Ms. Pitters in very high esteem noted that “she taught me while I was here; she is a wonderful person to be around.”

“Miss Pitter is like a mother, she is always there to motivate me…Regarding her award-it is much deserved, she is worthy of it,” she sated.

The Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation ceremony was instituted in 2005 and is given to educators who have served for a minimum of 15 years; displayed exceptional service in the teaching profession; and has shown evidence of community involvement, innovation and creativity in service.

Last Updated: June 21, 2016

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