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The Labour Market Information System: Facilitating the Needs of Employers and Job Seekers

November 3, 2008

The Full Story

The Labour Market Information System (LMIS) is an employment facility that seeks to satisfy the needs of job seekers and employers.
The system provides a cost effective means for employers to source and recruit suitable employees, and all jobseekers are required to be registered, interviewed, classified, and screened, before being referred to employers for possible placement.
Director of Research and Analysis at the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Andrea Miller Stennett, explains that the LMIS incorporates trends on the labour population, and data that informs the public on developments in the economy.
“In general, we have data on the various economic sectors; (and) we have data on education and training. We have data on financial assistance that persons can obtain to go to school, especially at post graduate levels. We have data on scholarships given out by the Government; data on how persons can obtain credit to operate a small business; and how they can be assisted by Jamaica Trade and Invest (JTI),” Mrs. Miller Stennett says.
The LMIS provides an avenue through which job seekers are provided with tips on r

Last Updated: November 3, 2008

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