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Students Benefit From ‘Liv Gud’ Summer Programme

By: , August 3, 2020
Students Benefit From ‘Liv Gud’ Summer Programme
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of National Security, Senator Hon. Matthew Samuda (centre), highlights features of a drawing done by a student, to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Donovan Graham (left). At right, Country Representative, Department for International Development (DFID), David Osborne, looks at other works of art on display. Occasion as the closing out ceremony and exhibition for the summer programme held at the Dupont Primary and Infant School in St. Andrew on July 31. The programme was organised by the Ministry under its 'Liv Gud’ campaign.
Students Benefit From ‘Liv Gud’ Summer Programme
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of National Security, Senator Hon. Matthew Samuda (left), engaging with students participating in a summer camp at the Dupont Primary and Infant School in St. Andrew at the closing out ceremony on July 31. The camp was spearheaded by the Ministry under its ‘Liv Gud’ campaign.
Students Benefit From ‘Liv Gud’ Summer Programme
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of National Security, Senator Hon. Matthew Samuda looks at art work done by students, who participated in the Ministry’s summer programme held at the Dupont Primary and Infant School in St. Andrew, at the closing out ceremony on July 31.
Students Benefit From ‘Liv Gud’ Summer Programme
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of National Security, Senator Hon. Matthew Samuda (centre); Assistant Commissioner of Police, Donovan Graham (left); and Country Representative, Department for International Development (DFID), David Osborne, examine art work done by students, who participated in a summer programme at the Dupont Primary and Infant School in St. Andrew. Occasion was the closing out ceremony and exhibition on July 31.

The Full Story

Students from several communities in the Corporate Area and St. Catherine have benefitted from a three-week summer camp aimed at improving their numeracy and literacy skills.

The programme was carried out by the Ministry of National Security under its ‘Liv Gud’ campaign, and was held at six primary schools in South St. Andrew.

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of National Security, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, said a key objective of the summer camp was to prepare students for high school.

“We tried to do an intervention with the grade six students from the feeder schools, that would get them a little more comfortable for high school,” he said, noting that sports, music and art were part of the initiative.

Senator Samuda was addressing a closing out ceremony and exhibition for the summer programme at the Dupont Primary and Infant School in St. Andrew on July 31.

He said that the activities were conducted in keeping with social distancing and other health guidelines to prevent transmission of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

“We were able to bring the kids together, spread them out across the classrooms to create social distancing and I think they have enjoyed it,” he noted.

Meanwhile, Guidance Counsellor at Dupont Primary and Infant School, Gregory Williams, said that children from Majesty Gardens, Delacree Lane, Payne Land, Waterhouse and as far away as Spanish Town attended the summer programme at the institution.

“Our intention at the start was to prepare them for the first term of high school. We did literacy, numeracy, Spanish, music, sports and art and craft. We did an assessment and we have had very good scores for many of them,” he said.

Mr. Williams shared that approximately 140 students benefited from the various activities each day. “The children have enjoyed it. They wished it was longer,” he said.

‘Liv Gud’ is a national anti-violence campaign, which seeks to promote among Jamaicans, respect for each other, the sanctuary of life, and law and public order.

It includes intensive and extensive community engagement initiatives, geared towards disrupting criminal activity, restoring public order and public safety, while encouraging social responsibility among each and every Jamaican citizen.

Last Updated: August 3, 2020

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