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Budget Presentation 2010 Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Dr. the Honourable Christopher Tufton, M. P. June 29, 2010

Mr. Speaker, permit me to thank this Honourable House for allowing me a third opportunity to speak on the state of agriculture and fisheries in these sectoral debates. Please allow me to thank the Honourable Prime Minister for his confidence in my stewardship and my Cabinet colleagues for their support. My team at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries headed by the Permanent Secretary and unit heads, for their hard work and dedication. Mr. Speaker our numerous stakeholder partners have continued to work with us, particularly agencies like the EU, USAID, CIDA, IICA, FAO and the Spanish Government, through its development agency, AECID.
I want to thank my constituency for their understanding and very importantly my family for their unwavering love and support.  Read More

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