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Special Education Computer Lab Opened at Caenwood Centre

May 18, 2007

The Full Story

The Ministry of Education and Youth in collaboration with the Caribbean Council for the Blind yesterday (May 17) officially opened the Special Education Computer Laboratory at the Ministry’s Caenwood Centre offices. Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Maria Jones said the opening of the lab was an important step toward empowering special education students and teachers through access to appropriate technology and training.
She also noted that the Ministry recognises the responsibility to align itself modern approaches (to education), by engaging technologies to facilitate greater participation of students with special needs in their quest for a better quality of life.
“It is envisaged that in this laboratory, educational technology will be a vehicle to motivate, educate and strengthen communication and instruction, and thus facilitate the transfer of knowledge between and among teachers and students,” said Mrs. Jones.
The Permanent Secretary added that the Ministry was committed to the task of “upgrading the competencies of teachers to utilize the most appropriate technology, to facilitate greater inclusion and upgrade the performance of students with special needs.”
“We are therefore demonstrating great consciousness of our responsibility to apply information and communication technology, among the basket of tools used to prepare young people for life in the national and global communities,” added Mrs. Jones.
Meanwhile, Minister of State in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Senator Floyd Morris said that he was pleased with the opening of the special education lab.
“What this initiative will do is empower members of the blind and visually impaired community with modern technology that will assist them significantly in their education,” said Senator Morris.
He added that “this tool that is being provided for our younger disabled brothers and sisters, is going to make life much more meaningful.”
Mrs. Jones informed that the current transformation of the education sector will ensure that special education issues are given priority treatment.
“The plan for special education within the modernised Ministry will cause the establishment of a special education team in each Regional Education Agency. This team will be commissioned with the responsibility to manage special education services at the local level,” she informed.
She also disclosed that the Ministry has drafted an Information and Communication Technology in Education Policy and is in the process of presenting it to Cabinet. The Permanent Secretary also noted that a Strategic Plan for Information and Communication Technology in Education is now being prepared.

Last Updated: May 18, 2007

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