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Significant Role of Primary Health Centres in NCD Screening Highlighted

By: , September 12, 2023
Significant Role of Primary Health Centres in NCD Screening Highlighted
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Health and Wellness Minister, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, addresses the official ceremony for the adoption of the Golden Spring Health Centre in St. Andrew, on September 8. The centre has been adopted by the Watson Family RalRosa Foundation for a period of three years under the Ministry’s ‘Adopt-A-Clinic’ programme.

The Full Story

Health and Wellness Minister, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, says Primary health facilities play a critical role in screening for non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

The Ministry has embarked on a programme to encourage Jamaicans to screen for NCDs to know their health status.

The campaign, dubbed ‘Know Your Numbers’, seeks to encourage yearly health screening to reduce the prevalence of lifestyle diseases and premature mortality.

“This Know Your Numbers campaign is going to play a pivotal role in public education moral suasion, encouraging and providing the opportunity for more Jamaicans to screen… The Adopt-A-Clinic Programme is the right [intervention] to support an activity such as this,” he said.

Dr. Tufton was addressing the official ceremony for the adoption of the Golden Spring Health Centre in St. Andrew, on September 8.

The centre has been adopted by the Watson Family RalRosa Foundation for a period of three years under the Ministry’s ‘Adopt-A-Clinic’ programme.

This is a strategic programme that seeks to proactively leverage the philanthropic support of the private sector and diaspora to play a more critical role in improving the primary healthcare system.

“It is fundamental as part of the way forward, because most of us won’t know that we are sick until [a negative health event takes place],” he said.

Minister Tufton said the Ministry has started the screening process to encourage Jamaicans to do regular health checks to know their status.

The Ministry has set a target of 500,000 screening tests to be done this year.

This is to empower Jamaicans with the opportunity to know their health risk profile to make the necessary lifestyle changes.

Core services to be offered include screening for body mass index, hypertension, diabetes, vision, cholesterol, HIV and syphilis.

Expanded services will include ECG, prostate cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, dementia and frailty tests and immunisation.

The programme will also feature a pathway to care that ensures that once diagnosed with any chronic illness, people can immediately be referred for treatment.

Last Updated: September 12, 2023

Jamaica Information Service