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Senate Passes Road Traffic Reprieve Bill

By: , July 30, 2024
Senate Passes Road Traffic Reprieve Bill
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, addressing the recent sitting of the Senate.

The Full Story

The Senate has approved legislation to nullify demerit points recorded against all driver’s licences prior to February 1, 2023, when the Road Traffic Act 2018 came into effect.

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, piloted the Road Traffic (Reprieve and Nullification of Prescribed Notices) Amendment Act, 2024 in the Upper House on Friday (July 26).

He said it proposes to make minor amendments to the Road Traffic Reprieve and Nullification Prescribed Notices Principal 2023 Act to ensure its accurate and efficient use.

“Like the 2023 Act, the Bill affirms the intent to afford persons a period of reprieve to address outstanding matters for the motoring public in respect to the prescribed notices issued before February 1, 2023 under Section 116 of the Road Traffic Act 1938, and to nullify demerit points recorded against all driver’s licences before February 1, 2023,” he said.

As such, he noted that outstanding tickets issued before February 1, 2018 and demerit points accrued up to February 1, 2023 were made null and void and not carried over to the Road Traffic Act 2018.

In addition, he said that for all tickets that were paid by January 31, 2023, the demerit points were expunged.

“Since the enactment of the 2023 Act, we have listened to the motoring public and judges and decided to propose some minor amendments to the principal act which are captured in this Bill,” Miniter Samuda said.

He urged citizens to stay informed about the laws and regulations governing the safe use of the roads.

The legislation was passed without amendments in the House of Representatives on July 16.

Last Updated: July 30, 2024

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