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Schools Receive Freezers

November 12, 2011

The Full Story

MONTEGO BAY — Approximately 200 students and teachers at the Sterling and Top Lincoln Early Childhood Institutions in  Grange Hill, Westmoreland, are to benefit from a donation of two freezers, costing  $100,000.00.

The items were handed over by Councillor  for the area, Lawton McKenzie, at the sitting of the Westmoreland Parish Council, in Savanna-la-Mar, on November  10.

The  money used to purchase the items represents part of a sum of $200,000.00  allocated  to each Councillor  to  fund  their projects of choice.

Mr.  McKenzie  commended former  Prime Minister, Hon. Bruce Golding, who had  directed that  all Councillors  be given that sum, adding that the  items should  assist the learning process at the schools.

"The children from these schools were in dire need of the (freezers), as they will now be able to have their lunch materials properly stored and be able to enjoy cool water each day.  This will definitely enhance the operations of the schools’ canteens where hot lunches are being served daily," Councillor McKenzie told JIS News.

Principal of the Sterling Early Childhood Institution, Lorna Cole,  said the  freezer could not have come at a better time as the school was 'praying' for such a gift.

"This gift will greatly improve the operations of the canteen, where the school makes an effort to serve hot lunches to our children each day. Sometimes we are hindered from doing this because of the lack of storage resulting in some days where lunches are short. The freezer has definitely solved that problem for us as we can now store lunch material, such as meats and be able to sell cool or cold drinks as well as ice cream and other favourites to our students," she told JIS News. 

Councillor McKenzie informed that the remaining $100,000.00 of the allocation would be spent in the Kings Valley area of the parish to establish a garbage holding facility for the residents.


By Glenis Rose, JIS Reporter

Last Updated: August 5, 2013

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