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Savanna-La-Mar Primary School Adopted

By: , July 29, 2022
Savanna-La-Mar Primary School Adopted
Photo: Michael Sloley
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the adoption of the Savanna la-Mar Primary School in Westmoreland was signed by representatives of Dreams To Reality (DTR) Foundation, Dequity Capital Management and the school, at the Ministry of Education and Youth in Kingston on Thursday (July 28). Acting Chief Education Officer in the Ministry, Dr. Kasan Troupe (standing fourth left), points out something of interest, while (seated from left) Principal of Savanna-la-Mar Primary, Megan Berry; Chairman, DTR Foundation, Garold Hamilton; and school board Chairman, Laumond Senior, affix their signatures to the agreement. Also looking on (standing from left) are students Andrew Romans and Emily Palmer; Executive Director of the National Education Trust (NET), Latoya Harris; Chief Executive Officer, Dequity Capital Adrian Smith; and students De’Asia Thomas and Shevoy Reynolds.
Savanna-La-Mar Primary School Adopted
Photo: Michael Sloley
Chief Education Officer in the Ministry of Education and Youth, Dr. Kasan Troupe (right) exchanges greetings with Chairman of Dreams To Reality (DTR) Foundation, Garold Hamilton (left) prior to a ceremony for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by the Foundation, Dequity Capital Management and Savanna-la-Mar Primary School for the adoption of the Westmoreland-based institution. Looking on is Executive Director of the National Education Trust (NET), Latoya Harris. The ceremony was held at the Ministry in Kingston on Thursday (July 28).

The Full Story

The Savanna-la-Mar Primary School will benefit from financial assistance of US$10,000 per annum over the next two years under the revised Adopt-A-School Programme of the National Education Trust (NET).

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to provide the support was signed by representatives of Dreams To Reality (DTR) Foundation, Dequity Capital Management and the school, during a ceremony held at the Ministry of Education and Youth in Kingston on Thursday (July 28).

Acting Chief Education Officer, Dr. Kasan Troupe, who represented portfolio Minister, Hon. Fayval Williams, at the signing, lauded the partnership as a “gift that will continue to give.”

“Education is a weapon that breaks the cycle of poverty and gives people the opportunity to transform their economic and social realities. You are not just touching the individuals who will benefit directly, but those who will benefit [indirectly],” she pointed out.

She said that the education sector requires “all hands on deck”, to provide students with opportunities that will enrich their learning.

Under the Adopt-A-School Programme, individuals and organisations are invited to identify schools within their geographical area that are in need of some intervention.

The objective is to promote partnerships for the development of the education sector.

Executive Director at NET, Latoya Harris, said that the Trust aims to connect “everyone who has a genuine interest in the development of [students] with institutions islandwide”.

“It’s important that we put our children front and centre, and how we [do it] is to make available to them resources and opportunities that they wouldn’t normally have,” she noted.

Chairman of the DTR Foundation, Garold Hamilton, who is a past student of Savanna-la-Mar Primary, welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the development of the institution.

“I consider [this] part of a legacy I’m trying to create in giving back to communities… not only the Westmoreland community but to whoever and whenever I can,” he said.
Chief Executive Officer of Dequity Capital, Adrian Smith, noted that the collaboration with DTR is “one I was very happy about. I’m glad we could be a part of this [and] I know that we’re going to have a beautiful partnership”.

Principal of Savanna-la-Mar Primary, Megan Berry, expressed gratitude.

“We dreamt of this relationship, and today it is a reality. I want to assure [everyone] that your benevolence will undoubtedly impact thousands of lives for years to come. Thank you for believing in us,” she said.

During the pandemic, the DTR Foundation invested in schools across the island by donating more than 400 tablets, as well as providing 100 tablets to Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness’ Positive Jamaica Foundation, to help bridge the digital divide.

For assistance in adopting a school and to make other contributions to the education sector, interested parties can visit www.net.org.jm, email NET, info@net.org.jm, or call 876-485-9725.

Last Updated: July 29, 2022

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