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Salaries Of Parliamentarians Are In Line With Civil Servants’ – Finance Minister

By: , January 16, 2020

The Key Point:

Finance and the Public Service Minister, Dr. the Hon Nigel Clarke, says the salaries of Parliamentarians are increased in keeping with the general increases awarded to civil servants.

The Facts

  • “Parliamentarians’ emoluments were, therefore, increased for the four-year period 2017/18 to 2020/21, consistent with what was agreed on under the Heads of Agreement with the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions,” he noted.
  • The Minister was responding to questions posed by Member of Parliament for Central Kingston, Rev. Ronald Thwaites, in relation to a review of emoluments for Parliamentarians before the next budget, in the House, on January 14.

The Full Story

Finance and the Public Service Minister, Dr. the Hon Nigel Clarke, says the salaries of Parliamentarians are increased in keeping with the general increases awarded to civil servants.

“Parliamentarians’ emoluments were, therefore, increased for the four-year period 2017/18 to 2020/21, consistent with what was agreed on under the Heads of Agreement with the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions,” he noted.

The Minister was responding to questions posed by Member of Parliament for Central Kingston, Rev. Ronald Thwaites, in relation to a review of emoluments for Parliamentarians before the next budget, in the House, on January 14.

Dr. Clarke reminded the Lower House that the Government is currently undertaking a comprehensive review and restructure of compensation, which is expected to be completed by December 2020.

The Minister said this will inform compensation for public servants and parliamentarians.

On health insurance, Dr. Clarke said Members of Parliament are a part of the Government Employees Administrative Services Only (GEASO) health insurance plan, while informing that the contract for that plan expired in July 2019.

“We have asked the administrator, Sagicor Jamaica Limited, to extend the contract under existing terms and conditions for one year, as we go through the procurement process,” Dr. Clarke said.

“The bid document was finalised and advertised late last year and the renewal is expected to be completed in 2020. It is expected that the benefits under the renewed plan will be the same or better than currently exist,” he added.

Last Updated: January 16, 2020

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