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RGD Adjusts Some Fees Monday

October 3, 2009

The Full Story

Effective Monday (October 5), the Registrar General’s Department (RGD) will be making adjustments to some of its fees.
The move comes as the Agency seeks to sustain its operations and achieve greater efficiencies. The new fee structure will reflect adjustments in services provided by the Island Record Office arm of the Agency.
Recording of deeds or other legal writings, office copies of deeds and other legal writings and genealogical research per hour, are some of the services which will reflect the new structure. Less than one percent of the Agency’s customers will be affected by this modification.
Customers will also start making a contribution towards courier service, of $100 on each application. This is the first time, since the 2004 introduction of Courier Services that customers are being asked to contribute a percentage of the cost of this service.
The RGD will also introduce, for the first time, a family calendar service for individuals who are interested in highlighting, on a personal annual calendar, important family dates of birth, memorial and wedding anniversaries of all family members on the family tree.
The RGD’s last increase was six years ago, when it adjusted its fees for its main services. The RGD has not adjusted its fees for the Island Record Office Services in over ten (10) years.

Last Updated: August 21, 2013

Jamaica Information Service