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Resource Centre Opens at Thompson Town High School

By: , November 25, 2014

The Key Point:

The Thompson Town High School in Clarendon now has a resource centre, which was constructed at a cost of $4 million.
Resource Centre Opens at Thompson Town High School
Minister of Education, Hon. Rev. Ronald Thwaites (right), is in discussion with Principal of the Clarendon-based Thompson Town High School, Richard Morgan (left), at the official opening of the Calvin T. Walters Resource Centre at the school on Friday (Nov. 21). In the background (right) is Member of Parliament for North West Clarendon, Hon. Richard Azan.

The Facts

  • Speaking at the official opening of the resource centre on Friday (November 21), Minister of Education, the Hon. Rev. Ronald Thwaites, lauded the school’s administration for the vision to establish the facility from its own resources and through fundraising activities.
  • Member of Parliament for North West Clarendon, Hon. Richard Azan lauded the opening of the resource centre, and pledged additional support for its operation.

The Full Story

The Thompson Town High School in Clarendon now has a resource centre, which was constructed at a cost of $4 million.

The Calvin T. Walters Resource Centre, named after the institution’s immediate past principal, is located on the ground floor of a two-storey building, the top of which houses two classrooms for sixth form students.

It is equipped with the printed material on various subjects, and will be a centre for student study, reference and research. Work is underway to provide computers to support students with all their learning needs, and the school is making the facility available to other institutions in the area.

Speaking at the official opening of the resource centre on Friday (November 21), Minister of Education, the Hon. Rev. Ronald Thwaites, lauded the school’s administration for the vision to establish the facility from its own resources and through fundraising activities.

“This is big news when a school, out of its own resources, and feeling the need to advance its young people for generations to come, and to honour one of those who have toiled…are prepared to give their time for the upliftment of our children; that’s a good thing. It’s a good day for Thompson Town, and for education in Jamaica,” he stated.

He pledged to partner with the school to establish a chemistry laboratory.

In the meantime, Minister Thwaites urged the students to make the best of their education. “Thompson Town High School must put out students with good character, it must put up with no indiscipline. What you are doing is too precious for that,” he said.

The Minister also encouraged the students to become involved in uniformed groups, and committed the Ministry’s input in increasing the number of such groups at the school.

Member of Parliament for North West Clarendon, Hon. Richard Azan, who provided building material for the project, lauded the opening of the resource centre, and pledged additional support for its operation.

Former Member of Parliament, Michael Stern, also welcomed the facility.


Last Updated: November 25, 2014

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