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Residents of Portland Turn out for Heroes Day Parade

October 16, 2007

The Full Story

Residents of Portland turned out in their numbers on (Oct. 15) for the annual Heroes Day parade and floral tribute, to mark National Heroes Day.
The event, held at the Courthouse Square in Port Antonio, was organized by the Portland Cultural Committee and held under the theme: ‘Respect our Heritage, Committed to Our Nation’.
Featured was a parade of uniformed groups, which included the police, fire service, cadets, girls’ guide, and brownies.
There was also the reading of Heroes Day messages from the Governor- General, the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition, while a number of schools and organizations laid floral tributes to the country’s heroes.
Earlier in the function, the audience was welcomed by Polly Perry, Chairman of the Portland Cultural Committee, who appealed to all well-thinking Jamaicans to emulate the national heroes, by working together for the country’s development.
She reminded the audience that “Jamaica belongs to all of us”, therefore it is incumbent on all patriotic citizens to rise above partisan political considerations and do all that is necessary for the advancement of the nation.

Last Updated: October 16, 2007

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