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Residents of Portland Remember Soldiers of World Wars

November 12, 2008

The Full Story

Residents of Portland, paid tribute to the soldiers who died in both World Wars, at the Annual Remembrance Day Service, held in the town square, Port Antonio, on November 9.
Among those in attendance were: Custos of Portland, Hon. Roy Thompson; Mayor of Port Antonio, Councillor Floyd Patterson, and a number of persons representing various civic organisations in the parish. Uniformed groups on parade included the Police, Cadets, the Fire Service, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides.
The service began with a prayer, followed by two minutes of silence, in respect for the fallen soldiers, and the sounding of the ‘last post’. Highlights of the event were the march past by uniformed groups and the laying of wreaths at the Cenotaph.
Those laying wreaths included the Custos, the Mayor and Officer in Charge of the Portland Division of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), Superintendent Dudley Scott.
Wreaths were also laid by representatives of a number of civic organisations in Portland.

Last Updated: November 12, 2008

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