Residents of Maroon Town and Mount Carey in St. James Receive Free Wi-Fi Service
By: April 24, 2023 ,The Full Story
Approximately 1,200 residents of Maroon Town and Mount Carey in St. James now have access to free Wi-Fi service, thanks to the Universal Service Fund (USF).
The facility, which was officially commissioned on April 20, has been provided as part of the USF’s Community Wi-Fi Programme, which aims to increase Internet access across Jamaica’s 63 constituencies and allow for greater digital inclusion.
Maroon Town and Mount Carey bring the number of communities with free Wi-Fi service in St. James Southern to three, following the facility’s installation in Catadupa.
Speaking during the commissioning ceremony in Mount Carey, Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister (West), Hon. Homer Davis, said he was pleased that the service is now in place in the communities.
Mr. Davis, who is also the Member of Parliament for the constituency, noted that Wi-Fi installation in Maroon Town and Mount Carey is a welcome addition to the communities’ infrastructure, as it will aid citizens, especially students in their educational pursuits.
He said the service’s provision will aid in bolstering the morale of the residents in the beneficiary communities and adjoining areas.
The State Minister underscored the importance of having internet access, “especially in our changing world… a world in which we must embrace technology in self and community development and empowerment.”
Mr. Davis added that upgrading and bringing technology access across St. James Southern remains a priority.
He implored residents to preserve the infrastructure and utilise the technology responsibly and effectively.
For her part, resident of Marl Road in Mount Carey, Hazel Bowen, thanked the USF and Minister Davis for ensuring that the community received the service, which she said will be beneficial to the citizens.