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Region Will Continue Lobby for End of Cuba Trade Embargo – Nicholson

By: , January 24, 2015

The Key Point:

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. A.J. Nicholson, says regional leaders will continue to push for an end to the trade embargo against Cuba even as they welcome the move by the United States (US) to restore diplomatic ties with the Spanish-speaking Caribbean island
Region Will Continue Lobby for End of Cuba Trade Embargo  – Nicholson
Photo: JIS
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. A. J. Nicholson (right), raises a toast to Cuba’s Ambassador to Jamaica, His Excellency Bernardo Guanche Hernandez (left), at a reception held at the Ambassador’s residence in St. Andrew on Thursday (Jan 22), to mark the 56th anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution (National Day).

The Facts

  • Senator Nicholson was speaking at a reception held last evening (January 22) at the St. Andrew residence of the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, His Excellency Bernardo Guanche Hernández, to mark the 56th Anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution (National Day).
  • Minister Nicholson said that Cuba has shown the world that despite continued economic and financial hindrances much can be accomplished by effectively utilising one’s limited resources.

The Full Story

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. A.J. Nicholson, says regional leaders will continue to push for an end to the trade embargo against Cuba even as they welcome the move by the United States (US) to restore diplomatic ties with the Spanish-speaking Caribbean island.

“A main hurdle to be cleared is the lifting of the long-standing economic trade and financial embargo against Cuba. Regional leaders will continue to make the call for the end to the embargo until it is lifted,” he vowed.

Senator Nicholson was speaking at a reception held last evening (January 22) at the St. Andrew residence of the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, His Excellency Bernardo Guanche Hernández, to mark the 56th Anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution (National Day).

Earlier, he joined Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, and other dignitaries, in offering a toast to the Government and people of Cuba in commemoration of the anniversary.

On December 17, 2014, US President, Barack Obama, announced diplomatic re-engagement with Cuba after half-century of estrangement. In his State of the Union address on January 20, President Obama asked Congress to begin to lift the embargo against Cuba.

Minister Nicholson said the news of the policy shift by the US was “heartening,” coming so soon after the Fifth CARICOM/Cuba Heads of Government Summit held in Havana, Cuba, in December 8 when an appeal was made for an end to the embargo against Cuba.

Minister Nicholson said that Cuba has shown the world that despite continued economic and financial hindrances much can be accomplished by effectively utilising one’s limited resources.

“We salute and applaud the spirit of perseverance, unity, strength and commitment, which characterises Cuba’s approach to its own development and the development of other countries, globally,” he added.

Senator Nicholson said the Government is looking forward to the tangible benefits that the US re-engagement with Cuba will bring to the people of the country and the people of the Americas.

“Jamaica looks forward to the strengthening of the regional and political dialogue and to Cuba’s full participation in hemispheric and international fora as well as to the tangible benefits that this new engagement will bring,” he said.

In his remarks, Ambassador Hernández said the Government and people of Cuba are grateful for the decision made by President Obama, to remove the obstacles that hinder relations between Cuba and the US.

“We welcome the decision announced by President Obama to begin new chapters in the relations between both countries and introduce the most significant changes in Cuban policy for more than 50 years. The entire world has reacted positively to the announcement,” he said.


Last Updated: January 24, 2015

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