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RADA to Receive $36.9 Million for Drought Support to Farmers

By: , March 9, 2023
RADA to Receive $36.9 Million for Drought Support to Farmers
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., emphasises a point during a media briefing at the Ministry’s headquarters in St. Andrew, on Wednesday (March 8).

The Full Story

Approximately $36.9 million is to be disbursed immediately to the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, to assist in alleviating the impact of drought conditions affecting farmers.

This was announced by Portfolio Minister, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., during a press conference at the Ministry’s Hope Gardens headquarters in Kingston, on Wednesday (March 8).

He said Members of Parliament (MPs) will be able to access the funds to quickly provide support for production in drought-affected constituencies.

“RADA, in tandem with the Members of Parliament, will utilise the established farmer selection criteria to identify beneficiaries. We have done so in the past. We have done so effectively and efficiently. We have refined our processes and we will do so again,” the Minister said.

He encouraged MPs islandwide “to make sure that you ready yourself, that you identify your farmers, you work hand in hand with the RADA parish managers and team, and let us get the support to those who need it the most.”

Meanwhile, Mr. Charles reiterated that the Ministry will be boosting its Drought Mitigation and Adaptation Programme.

He also announced that another $110 million will be pumped into the ongoing ramping up of activities, bringing the total programme support to approximately $202 million.

The interventions to be employed will address on-farm water management, water utilisation and climate-smart production technologies, and will spread across all the major production areas.

RADA will be the main implementing entity for this programme with support from the National Irrigation Commission (NIC) and Agro-Investment Corporation (AIC).

The activities to be undertaken include the procurement of irrigation equipment, trucking of water, rehabilitation of greenhouses to enhance water harvesting capability, rehabilitation of existing water sources, adaptation measures to sustain the livestock and crop industries, and the training and capacity building of farmers and rural stakeholders.

Last Updated: March 9, 2023

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