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Quality Education Circle Improving Outcomes in Schools

By: , December 5, 2016

The Key Point:

The education and development outcomes of students attending schools across Southern Trelawny, are receiving priority attention, through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information’s Quality Education Circle (QEC) 31.
Quality Education Circle Improving Outcomes in Schools
A section of audience at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information Region 3, Quality Education Circle 31 stakeholders Forum held recently at the Troy High School in Southern Trelawny.

The Facts

  • Addressing participants at a Stakeholders Education Forum at the Troy High School in Trelawny recently, Senior Education Officer, Linda Miller, informed that QEC “has been paying off across the educational landscape of the country.”

The Full Story

The education and development outcomes of students attending schools across Southern Trelawny, are receiving priority attention, through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information’s Quality Education Circle (QEC) 31.

This initiative seeks to ensure that students receive quality education, through all levels of the education system.

Addressing participants at a Stakeholders Education Forum at the Troy High School in Trelawny recently, Senior Education Officer, Linda Miller, informed that QEC “has been paying off across the educational landscape of the country.”

“Quality Education Circle is a significant and timely initiative, since it supports the Ministry’s response to public demand for quality education for our students, fostered by high standards, competency, commitment and accountability,” Mrs. Miller said.

The Senior Education Officer noted that QEC was designed to bring education closer to the community and allow stakeholders to become active participants in the education of the children.

“Stakeholders are engaged in the review of performance and in the preparation of strategies to improve the achievement levels in a group of schools. QEC is a learning community, designed to increase confidence in the education system,” she pointed out.

Mrs. Miller said that the Ministry has embraced a tri-partite agreement of school, parent and community working collaboratively to significantly impact educational outcomes.

“QEC, then, is about celebrating the excellence of students, teachers and institutions in the regions of the Ministry of Education. As we come together, like this, we are demonstrating that QEC 31, is fulfilling its purpose, as we work collaboratively as an education family to access, reflect and project. It is therefore no wonder that we are the trend-setters in the Region,” Mrs. Miller asserted.

For his part, Guest Speaker, Pastor Jermaine Johnson made a call for all educators to determine if they are transactional or transformational in their participation in the education system.

“I urge you all to determine if you are really interested in the educational outcome of the students in your care. We must endeavour to go beyond the curriculum and ensure that we motivate our students to learn so that they are prepared to face life,” Pastor Johnson emphasized.

Last Updated: December 5, 2016

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