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Provision of limited banking services to the public

By: , September 16, 2020
Provision of limited banking services to the public
Photo: contributed
BOJ official logo

The Full Story

On 14 August 2020, Bank of Jamaica temporarily closed its main building at Nethersole Place, Downtown Kingston, to carry out deep cleaning and sanitization to manage risks associated with the COVID-19 virus.

As a result, there was a suspension of over – the – counter teller and coin exchange services to the public.

Further to this temporary closure, Bank of Jamaica now wishes to advise that effective Wednesday, 16 September 2020, Nethersole Place will be open to the public to allow for limited teller services. In this regard, the Bank will offer only the following services to the public between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. daily until further advised:

1. Exchange of foreign currencies (see link for list of currencies exchanged

2. Exchange of mutilated and contaminated Jamaica dollar currency within stipulated guidelines.

With respect to coin exchange services, Bank of Jamaica recommends that the public continues to utilize the services of Grace Kennedy Payment Services at their locations islandwide (see link to list of locations https://gkmsonline.com/coin-collection).

For other banking services, the public should rely on their commercial banks or other deposit-taking entities.

Bank of Jamaica remains committed to serving the public and encourages all our customers and stakeholders to continue to take the necessary steps to remain safe. Any further updates will be provided as required.

Last Updated: September 16, 2020

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