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Protocols Established For Face-To-Face Visits To Infirmaries

By: , December 15, 2021
Protocols Established For Face-To-Face Visits To Infirmaries
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (standing), speaks in the House of Representatives on December 14.

The Full Story

Protocols have now been established for face-to-face visits at Infirmaries and Golden Age Homes for a limited period from December 19 to January 2, 2022.

This was announced by Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, during the sitting of the House of Representatives on December 14.

He informed that persons who wish to visit will have to make an appointment in order to do so.

“They must be fully vaccinated and must present a negative COVID-19 test that is no more than three days old and they must also walk with their proof of vaccination,” Mr. McKenzie said.

The Minister informed that visits will not be allowed inside where the residents sleep and eat.

“We have established in at least six infirmaries, a new concept called therapeutic parks. These parks are constructed with benches, water fountain, a little gazebo, an area where they can sit and relax and these visits will be facilitated using the therapeutic parks and where there are no parks, we are putting in an area to facilitate the visits,” Mr. McKenzie said.

Visits will last for no more than 30 minutes, and each resident can have no more than three persons per visit.

The existing health protocols, such as screening on entry and sanitisation at the Infirmaries and Golden Age Homes, will continue to be implemented.

Last Updated: December 15, 2021

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