Protect the Crocodile!
January 6, 2009The Full Story
The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) is advising the public not to provoke crocodiles, if the animals are seen in or near human communities. The Agency is warning persons not to copy recent inhumane acts, where persons have used live animals as bait in a bid to lure crocodiles from waterways, which in some instances are their natural habitats. Persons are being reminded that Crocodiles are sensitive animals which may react dangerously if cornered and attacked. Crocodiles are one of Jamaica’s many endangered animal species and are protected by law. Capturing or killing the animal is an offence under the Wild Life Protection Act (section 20). Persons found guilty of this offence are liable to a fine of up to $100,000 or twelve (12) months imprisonment.
The Public is also being advised that no payment will be made to any person or group for the capture of a crocodile. The Agency is instead reminding persons that it is their civic responsibility to ensure the protection of the country’s endangered species.
If crocodiles are seen in areas where they may pose threats to human activities, kindly avoid the animal and call NEPA at 754-7540, 1-888-991-5005 or 478-7957. You may also call 119 or the nearest police station for assistance.