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Project to Improve Working Conditions of Domestic Workers

April 9, 2013

The Full Story

A sum of $1.4 million has been allotted to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in the 2013/14 Estimates of Expenditure, to continue its effort to improve the working conditions of domestic workers across the island.

The Advancing Decent Work for Domestic Employees programme aims to bring national laws, policies and practices into coherence with international standards, under the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention.

It also seeks to build the capacity of state actors to monitor and address the working conditions of domestic workers; to support the development of a leadership voice and influence by domestic workers; and to advance a wider societal understanding and commitment to decent work standards for domestic workers.

Anticipated targets for this year include: conducting a seminar on ‘Implementation of the ILO Convention and Domestic Workers: Towards Ratification’; the implementation of a training workshop for labour inspectorate, trade unions and employer organisations; and the execution of public relations and media activities.

Achievements under the programme since January 2013 include the hiring of a project co-ordinator and the development of a work plan.

The project, which commenced in January 2012 and extended until July 2013, is being funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

By Athaliah Reynolds-Baker, JIS Reporter

Last Updated: July 23, 2013

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