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Prime Minister Lauds Work of Caribbean Medical Mission

By: , December 27, 2013

The Key Point:

The Prime Minister said that the challenges confronting non-profit charitable organizations are great, but “generosity knows no bounds.”
Prime Minister Lauds Work of Caribbean Medical Mission
Dr. Lennox Alves (centre), displays the Caribbean Medical Mission 2013 Humanitarian Award which he accepted on behalf of the recipient, Dr. Alan Clarke, at the Mission’s 10th fund-raising gala, held recently in New Jersey. Others (from right) are: the Mission’s Fund-Raising Chairman, Lynval James; President, Dr. Winston Scott; Director, Dr. Sandra Harte and Miss Natasha Scott.

The Facts

  • Mrs. Simpson Miller said she is encouraged to see the Mission continue the wonderful work of touching lives.
  • The Prime Minister said these efforts do not go unnoticed and their charitable spirit will forever be etched in the hearts of Jamaicans.

The Full Story

Prime Minister the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller has lauded members of the New Jersey based Caribbean Medical Mission for their true spirit of generosity, compassion and care for others.

In her message read at the organisation’s recent 10th annual fund-raising gala held at the Beth Wood Manor in Totowa, New Jersey, the Prime Minister said that the challenges confronting non-profit charitable organizations are great, but “generosity knows no bounds.”

Mrs. Simpson Miller said she is encouraged to see the Mission continue the wonderful work of touching lives.

“The drive by the Mission to provide medical care to the needy in the Caribbean and New Jersey over the past 17 years is a contribution which serves as a lifeline to the health sector in Jamaica.  The Government and people of the country consider the Mission as a true friend of Jamaica and a valued partner in our developmental journey,” the Prime Minister said.

“I am particularly impressed by your efforts in distributing medication, medical equipment, computers, books, clothing and well needed items, such as wheel chairs, surgical kits, mattresses, hospital beds and other contributions made to communities and individuals devastated by natural disasters,” Mrs. Simpson Miller added.

The Prime Minister said these efforts do not go unnoticed and their charitable spirit will forever be etched in the hearts of Jamaicans.

“The country needs your continued support as we work together to transform our country and improve the lives of our people,” she noted.

In his remarks, President of the Mission, Dr. Winston Scott, said that over the past 10 years, the members have provided medical care to just over 20,000 patients in Jamaica and an additional 25,000 in other Caribbean countries.

He informed that the Mission has mobilized and donated over US$80,000 in medical supplies and equipment to institutions and individuals in Jamaica, and that plans are well advanced for the staging of the 11th medical mission next year.

Two awards – the 2013 Humanitarian Award and the Mission’s Outstanding Award – went to Dr. Alan Clarke and pastor of Christian Love Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. Ronald Christian.

Last Updated: December 27, 2013

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