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Prime Minister Golding Announces Cabinet Changes

June 29, 2011

The Key Point:

The appointments will take effect from Friday July 1, 2011 and will coincide with the reassignment of subjects, departments and agencies based on the recommendations of the Public Sector Master Rationalization Plan developed by the Public Sector Transformation Unit and approved by the Cabinet.
Prime Minister Golding Announces Cabinet Changes
Prime Minister the Hon. Bruce Golding with his newly appointed Cabinet Ministers.

The Facts

  • With the appointment to the Cabinet of the Hon. Delroy Chuck, the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives will become vacant.
  • The Prime Minister has expressed appreciation to Mr. Karl Samuda and Miss Dorothy Lightbourne for their services to the Cabinet since the start of the administration.

The Full Story

Prime Minister the Hon. Bruce Golding has announced the following changes to the Cabinet:

Hon. Christopher Tufton – Minister of Industry, Investment & Commerce

Hon. Robert Montaque – Minister of Agriculture & Fisheries

Hon. Delroy Chuck – Minister of Justice

Mr. Clive Mullings – Minister of Energy & Mining

Hon. Arthur Williams – Minister without Portfolio in the Cabinet Office with responsibility for the Public Service

The position of Attorney-General will be separated from that of Minister of Justice in keeping with the recommendations of the recently concluded Commission of Enquiry. A further announcement will be made concerning the appointment of a new Attorney General. The appointment of the Hon. Arthur Williams to the Cabinet as Minister with responsibility for the Public Service is in keeping with the recommendation of the Public Sector Transformation Unit.

The Prime Minister has also announced the appointment of the following persons to the position of Minister of State:

Mr. Gregory Mair – Minister of State in the Ministry of Education

Dr. St. Aubyn Bartlett – Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security

Mr. Othniel Lawrence – Minister of State in the Ministry of Transport & Works

These appointments as Junior Ministers will replace the positions previously held by Dr. Ronald Robinson, Mr. Everald Warmington and Mr. Aundre Franklin.

Mrs. Shahine Robinson, currently Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister, will assume, in addition to her current duties, the responsibility for Local Government previously carried out by the Hon. Robert Montaque.

The appointments will take effect from Friday July 1, 2011 and will coincide with the reassignment of subjects, departments and agencies based on the recommendations of the Public Sector Master Rationalization Plan developed by the Public Sector Transformation Unit and approved by the Cabinet. This includes the transfer of responsibility for the public sector from the Ministry of Finance to the Cabinet Office and the redesignation of the Ministry of Water and Housing as the Ministry of Housing, Environment and Water. This Ministry will be headed by Dr. The Hon. Horace Chang.

With the appointment to the Cabinet of the Hon. Delroy Chuck, the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives will become vacant. It is proposed to nominate at the next sitting of the House the Deputy Speaker, Mrs. Marissa Dalrymple-Phillipbert for election as Speaker of the House and Mr. Tarn Peralto as Deputy Speaker.

The Hon. Dwight Nelson will assume responsibility as Leader of Government Business in the Senate.

The new Ministers will be sworn in at Kings House on Wednesday (June 29) at 3.00 PM.

The Prime Minister has expressed appreciation to Mr. Karl Samuda and Miss Dorothy Lightbourne for their services to the Cabinet since the start of the administration.

Last Updated: March 8, 2016

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