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Primary schools to receive $50m to procure tablets for needy students

By: , August 29, 2020

The Key Point:

Minister of Education, Youth and Information, the Hon. Karl Samuda says primary schools across the island will be given a total of $50m to procure tablets for needy students.
Primary schools to receive $50m to procure tablets for needy students
Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Karl Samuda, CD, MP

The Facts

  • The tablets will be provided to students who are in need but are not beneficiaries of the Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH). Students at the secondary level, who are not on PATH will also be supported.
  • The Education Ministry has already procured 40,000 tablets. Another 60,000 tablets and laptops are being procured centrally and at selected schools for students on PATH. These devices will be distributed on a phased basis beginning in September.

The Full Story

Minister of Education, Youth and Information, the Hon. Karl Samuda says primary schools across the island will be given a total of $50m to procure tablets for needy students.

The tablets will be provided to students who are in need but are not beneficiaries of the Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH). Students at the secondary level, who are not on PATH will also be supported.

The Education Ministry has already procured 40,000 tablets. Another 60,000 tablets and laptops are being procured centrally and at selected schools for students on PATH. These devices will be distributed on a phased basis beginning in September.

Minister Samuda says this injection of funds will allow additional vulnerable students at the primary level to have access to tablets. Principals at the secondary level have been asked to assess the need and tablets and laptops will also be provided for these students.

“Given the disruptions caused by COVID-19, the provision of these additional tablets will ensure that more of our vulnerable students have the tools they need to fully participate in the blended learning approach that we have been forced to adopt to education,” said Minister Samuda.

Last Updated: August 29, 2020

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