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Prepare Now for Dry Period – ODPEM

By: , January 4, 2013

The Key Point:

Jamaicans are being urged to begin preparations for the dry period, by increasing water storage and conservation measures.

The Facts

  • The advice, from the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM), comes against the forecast for below normal rainfall for the next three months.
  • The dry spell usually begins in January and Director General of ODPEM, Ronald Jackson, said the public should make preparations now before an actual drought.

The Full Story

Jamaicans are being urged to begin preparations for the dry period, by increasing water storage and conservation measures.

The advice, from the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM), comes against the forecast for below normal rainfall for the next three months.

The dry spell usually begins in January and Director General of ODPEM, Ronald Jackson, said the public should make preparations now before an actual drought.

“Typically, every January, we are faced with the beginning of a dry spell in our country, which is usually what we call the primary dry period. We are asking the public that even before the Met Office (Meteorological Service) declares a drought that they begin to practise certain mitigation measures and also preparedness measures, well in advance of such a declaration, because we are trying to promote a culture of prevention and readiness,” he said during an interview with JIS News.

Mr. Jackson said mitigation methods include water conservation, rainwater harvesting and proper storage of water. “This will certainly assist us going through the proposed dry period,” he added.

He said that the dry period is expected to last until the month of May leading into June.

Last Updated: November 19, 2019

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