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Practice of Denying Employees Unionization must Stop – Senator Clarke

March 25, 2006

The Full Story

Government Senator, Navel Clarke has said that local employers have been ignoring the fundamental rights of employees by not allowing their workers to be unionized.
Noting that workers unions were the only body non-government, or otherwise that were given recognition in the Constitution, Senator Clarke said this practice had to be stopped.
Senator Clarke who was making his contribution to the 2005/06 State of the Nation Debate in Gordon House yesterday ( March 24) said the practice was more prevalent in the hotel sector where individuals were not allowed to be unionized. He said the situation was becoming more appalling as “there was no (provision for) prosecution in Jamaica’s law to prevent (employers) from (making such stipulations”.
In the meantime he said the practice of dismissing workers without the appropriate length of notice would have to be removed from the statute books.
Senator Clarke also called for amendments to, or the repealing of the Shop Opening and Closing Act, and the Restricting of Hours of Work for Women Act. He pointed out that these Acts have never been amended and would have to be expunged or modified if the contemplated flexi-hours scheme was to become a reality.

Last Updated: March 25, 2006

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