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Power and Water Supplies to be Improved in Bucknor/Rectory Lands in Clarendon

February 20, 2009

The Full Story

Project Manager of the Jamaica Social Investment Fund’s (JSIF) Inner City Basic Services Project (ICBSP) Unit, Gene Shaw, has said that residents of the community of Bucknor/Rectory Lands, in Clarendon, would soon benefit from improvement in their power and water supplies.
He made the disclosure during the ground breaking ceremony of the Bucknor Integrated Infrastructure Package and the Multi-purpose Centre, held on February 11, in the community.
“The Bucknor Integrated Infrastructure Package, along with the Bucknor Road, phase one; these projects intend to provide additional water supply for the Bucknor community, because under the (ICBSP), the aim is to provide water and other basic infrastructure to communities, such as roads, light and where possible, we improve the sewerage distribution system,” he said.
Mr. Shaw said that a well, in close proximity to the community, was identified and that plans are in place to have water pumped from the well to a tank in the community, thereby improving the water supply and alleviating the water shortage in Bucknor.
He pointed out that the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS) and JSIF would collaborate to upgrade the electricity supply in Bucknor, as many residences are not legally connected to the JPS grid.
“We have a contract in place that will target approximately 100 houses in Bucknor. So far, we have wired approximately 65 houses,” Mr. Shaw said.
He pointed out that the JPS has done an assessment of the community and the results have shown that the area has outgrown the current power supply, adding that the JPS has drafted a new design for the community that would result in an upgrade of the electrical supply to the area.
Mr. Shaw explained that when the multi-purpose centre is completed, and lights are installed on the playfield, there would be additional load on the system, therefore it is important that they proceed with the upgrade of the electrical system.
“JSIF along with the JPS will be working together to see how well we can co-operate in the upgrade of this infrastructure,” he said.
The approximately 600 square-metre multi-purpose centre will comprise shops, offices, a library, a meeting hall, kitchen and male and female restrooms.
Shops on the complex will be used to generate income to maintain the complex. These would be monitored by a Committee, comprising members of the Bucknor Concerned Citizens Benevolent Society.
The Integrated Infrastructure Package entails construction and rehabilitation of water networks, roads and storm water infrastructure. The Bucknor/Rectory Lands community has approximately 1,150 residents.

Last Updated: August 28, 2013

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