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Postal Services Urged to Consider New Revenue Streams

By: , September 20, 2023
Postal Services Urged to Consider New Revenue Streams
Photo: JIS File
Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with oversight for Skills and Digital Transformation, Senator Dr. the Hon. Dana Morris Dixon.

The Full Story

Postal services across the Caribbean have been urged to consider new areas of commercial activity to maintain their relevance and viability as countries across the world continue to evolve into digital societies.

Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister, Senator the Hon. Dr. Dana Morris Dixon, who made the call, said the introduction of new revenue streams can help to mitigate risks, tap into new markets and ensure long-term sustainability.

“Playing it safe all the time can be the riskiest move. Sometimes, innovation requires bold steps and a willingness to venture into the unknown. I anticipate concerns about moving in new areas of commercial activity, but it is a risk that must be taken. Traditional areas of postal activities are no longer viable,” she said.

She emphasised that postal services must adapt to digital changes, as the future belongs to those who evolve.

“The more diversified we are the more agile and adaptable we become in the face of unforeseen economic challenges. This agility ensures our longevity and relevance in the market,” she pointed out.

Senator Morris Dixon, who has responsibility for Skills and Digital Transformation, was speaking at the opening ceremony for the recently concluded 25th Caribbean Postal Union Conference and 19th Caribbean Council of Ministers Postal Affairs Meeting in Kingston.

The event was hosted by the Post and Telecommunications Department under the theme ‘The CPU at 25: Evolving for Economic Stability’.

The attendees included Ministers with responsibility for the postal service and Postmasters-General within CARICOM as well as a mix of regional and international postal officials.

Last Updated: September 20, 2023

Jamaica Information Service