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Port Royal Firefighters Relocated to York Park

By: , July 3, 2024
Port Royal Firefighters Relocated to York Park
Photo: Adrian Walker
Jamaica Fire Brigade (JFB) Commissioner, Stewart Beckford.

The Full Story

The Jamaica Fire Brigade (JFB) has advised that personnel at the Port Royal Fire Station have been relocated to York Park, downtown Kingston, due to storm surges associated with the passing of Hurricane Beryl.

JFB Commissioner, Stewart Beckford, told JIS News that the possible blockage of the Palisadoes strip in Port Royal also contributed to the relocation.

He indicated that when the team was leaving the area, the road was becoming inundated with sand and gravel being carried over from the sea.

“As soon as conditions improve and the roadway is passable, we will return them to that particular station; but for now, they’re working out of York Park,” Commissioner Beckford said.

He noted that the team is prepared and ready to respond to any incident.

“They brought everything with them from the Port Royal station, to include the unit and their gears and so on,” Mr. Beckford informed.

The JFB Chief noted that although the Brigade’s primary responsibility is to save lives and protect property, the safety of team members is paramount.

“It is going to be difficult for us to commit our firefighters to go and conduct any search and rescue in the height of the storm; and that is why we are encouraging members of the public to heed the warning to evacuate and go to the shelters, go to higher ground,” Commissioner Beckford urged.

Last Updated: July 3, 2024

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