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PM Simpson Miller Pledges Commitment to Political Code of Conduct

By: , February 11, 2016

The Key Point:

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has pledged her commitment to adhering to the Political Code of Conduct, which she signed on Thursday morning (February 22)...
PM Simpson Miller Pledges Commitment to Political Code of Conduct
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller (left) and Acting Custos of St. Andrew, Lt. Commander John McFarlane show the Political Code of Conduct which the Prime Minister signed signaling her commitment to a peaceful election campaign. The signing took place at Emancipation Park in New Kingston, St. Andrew on Thursday morning (February 11). In the background is Political Ombudsman, Mrs. Donna Parchment Brown.

The Facts

  • “The creation and support of community and national institutions committed to peace, justice, truth, honesty and integrity in national life, have been hallmarks of my involvement in politics for more than 40 years,” Prime Minister Simpson Miller declared.
  • She said no matter how many times our country faced setbacks on the road to the establishment of peace and social order, Jamaicans should never get tired of trying to achieve these objectives, as there is too much at stake for persons to give up trying.

The Full Story

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has pledged her commitment to adhering to the Political Code of Conduct, which she signed on Thursday morning (February 11) in the presence of the Political Ombudsman, Mrs. Donna Parchment Brown and Acting Custos of St. Andrew, Lt. Commander John MacFarlane.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, which was held at Emancipation Park in New Kingston, St. Andrew, Prime Minister Simpson Miller said the signing represented a reaffirmation of Jamaica’s democracy.

“It is also a confirmation of the best practices in our nation’s history and political traditions, as the heart of our democratic tradition has been the ability of the Jamaican people, since 1944, to freely elect political leaders to govern our country,” she noted.

She noted that various leaders of political parties in Jamaica have worked very hard to ensure that this proud tradition remains intact.

“We have worked tirelessly to ensure free and fair elections; to build electoral institutions and to make politics-related violence a thing of the past,” the Prime Minister added, pointing to her own commitment over many years.

“The creation and support of community and national institutions committed to peace, justice, truth, honesty and integrity in national life, have been hallmarks of my involvement in politics for more than 40 years,” Prime Minister Simpson Miller declared.

She said she was signing the Political Code in continuation of that legacy and in tribute to the people of Jamaica. The Prime Minister said she remain committed to serving the people to the best of her ability.

Prime Minister Simpson Miller was also unequivocal in her renunciation of violence.  “In support of the Political Code of Conduct, I renounce violence of any kind. I reject utterances that incite violence; and I reject behaviour that brings the character of individuals into disrepute.” She noted that some persons, while not having money, have their good reputation, which they considered to be valuable.

Photo PM Signs Political Code
Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller (seated) signs the Political Code of Conduct signaling her commitment to a peaceful election campaign. The signing took place at Emancipation Park in New Kingston, St. Andrew on Thursday morning (February 11). Acting Custos of St. Andrew, Lt. Commander John McFarlane (right) and Political Ombudsman, Mrs. Donna Parchment Brown (left) witness the signing.

She also used the opportunity to publicly and categorically condemn the violence involving shootings at a public rally in Montego Bay. “I also condemn the shooting in Flanker, in Montego Bay where a political motorcade was attacked. Whatever the motives and the circumstances, violence of this kind must be rejected by all Jamaicans. Let there be no repetition,” Prime Minister Simpson Miller urged.

She said even as the Police continued their full and speedy investigations, she was expressing condolences to the families of persons who have died or were injured in these incidents.

She called for political candidates of all parties and their supporters to campaign actively while being civil and peaceful.

Referencing these acts of violence, the Prime Minister said it was clear that the Jamaican society has some way to go in reducing anti-social behaviour. She urged that all Jamaicans must do more to influence good social order, peace, respect for life and respect for each other.

“Today, I recommit myself, my Government and Party to doing all we can in a personal and national campaign for the restoration of social order, social harmony, morality, and wholesome values and attitudes in Jamaica,” Mrs. Simpson Miller declared.

She said no matter how many times our country faced setbacks on the road to the establishment of peace and social order, Jamaicans should never get tired of trying to achieve these objectives, as there is too much at stake for persons to give up trying.

Last Updated: February 12, 2016

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