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PHOTOS: US Government Donates Hurricane Aid and Medical Supplies

July 11, 2024
PHOTOS: US Government Donates Hurricane Aid and Medical Supplies
Photo: Donald De La Haye
United States Ambassador to Jamaica, His Excellency Nick Perry, hands over hurricane aid and medical supplies donated by the United States Government to Director of Emergency, Disaster Management and Special Services (EDMSS), Ministry of Health and Wellness, Dr. Nicole Dawkins-Wright.  The items, which arrived abroad the USNS Burlington, were handed over on Wednesday (July 10) at Kingston Wharves.

The Full Story

Director of Emergency, Disaster Management and Special Services (EDMSS), Ministry of Health and Wellness, Dr. Nicole Dawkins-Wright (left), and United States Ambassador to Jamaica, His Excellency Nick Perry (centre), look at hurricane aid and medical supplies donated by the United States Government. They are joined by Mission Commander, Continuing Promise 2024, Lieutenant Commander Zachary Smith. The items, which arrived abroad the USNS Burlington, were handed over on Wednesday (July 10) at Kingston Wharves.  The US navy vessel is in Jamaica as part of its 14th mission to the region to foster goodwill, establish new partnerships, and strengthen existing ties. In the wake of Hurricane Beryl, the USNS Burlington added additional emergency supplies to assist in the island’s recovery.
Director of Emergency, Disaster Management and Special Services (EDMSS), Ministry of Health and Wellness, Dr. Nicole Dawkins-Wright (left), engages with United States Ambassador to Jamaica, His Excellency Nick Perry (centre), and Mission Commander, Continuing Promise 2024, Lieutenant Commander Zachary Smith, at the handover of hurricane aid and medical supplies donated by the United States Government on Wednesday (July 10), at Kingston Wharves.  The items arrived abroad the USNS Burlington, which is in Jamaica as part of its 14th mission to the region to foster goodwill, establish new partnerships, and strengthen existing ties. In the wake of Hurricane Beryl, the USNS Burlington added additional emergency supplies to assist in the island’s recovery.
Last Updated: July 11, 2024

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