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PHOTOS: Edwin Allen High School’s 60th Anniversary Service

January 23, 2024
PHOTOS: Edwin Allen High School’s 60th Anniversary Service
Photo: Michael Sloley
Edwin Allen High School Head Girl, Monique Stewart (left), assists past student, Everton Roache (right) to light a candle, during the school’s 60th anniversary thanksgiving service held at the institution in Clarendon on Sunday (January 21). 

The Full Story

Six candles were lit to celebrate Edwin Allen High School’s 60th anniversary, during a thanksgiving service held at the institution in Clarendon on Sunday (January 21).
State Minister in the Ministry of Education and Youth, Hon. Marsha Smith (left), engages in conversation with Board Chairman, Edwin Allen High School, Rev. Winston Pecco (right), during the school’s 60th anniversary thanksgiving service held at the institution in Clarendon on Sunday (January 21). 
State Minister in the Ministry of Education and Youth, Hon. Marsha Smith (right), greets Principal of Edwin Allen High School, Jermaine Harris (left), during the school’s 60th anniversary thanksgiving service held in Clarendon on Sunday (January 21). 
Last Updated: January 23, 2024

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