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Persons Urged to Treat Water Before Consuming in Light of the Current Drought

By: , August 14, 2015

The Key Point:

In light of the continuing drought, Director, Health Promotion and Protection, Dr. Sonia Copeland is urging persons to ensure that they treat water before use especially water that is collected from untreated sources such as rivers, streams and other water ways.

The Facts

  • Ways to make water safe include adding bleach and boiling. Water should be at a boil for at least one minute before removing it from the fire.
  • In terms of adding bleach, Dr. Copeland says the amount depends on the quantity of water.

The Full Story

In light of the continuing drought, Director, Health Promotion and Protection, Dr. Sonia Copeland is urging persons to ensure that they treat water before use especially water that is collected from untreated sources such as rivers, streams and other water ways.

“At this time of drought several persons are collecting and storing water for domestic use from various sources. Persons are therefore advised to ensure that they treat their water before use as it may not be safe for consumption,” Dr. Copeland said.

Ways to make water safe include adding bleach and boiling. Water should be at a boil for at least one minute before removing it from the fire. Cover it and let it cool before using.

In terms of adding bleach, Dr. Copeland says the amount depends on the quantity of water.

“For one litre or one quart of water, two drops of bleach should be added; For twenty litres or five gallons, we recommend half of a teaspoon of bleach and for 170 litres or 45 gallons, 4 and half teaspoons of bleach should be added to the water. Ensure that you mix well and leave it for 30 minutes before consuming,” she said.

Water should be treated before drinking or making drinks, washing fruits and vegetables, making ice, preparing food and washing dishes and utensils.

Last Updated: August 14, 2015

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