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PCJ Provides $12 Million A/C System for Annotto Bay Hospital

By: , October 30, 2015

The Key Point:

The Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) has invested $12 million in upgrading the air-conditioning system, which serves the operating theatre suites and the accident and emergency ward of the Annotto Bay Hospital in St. Mary.
PCJ Provides $12 Million A/C System for Annotto Bay Hospital
Photo: Donald Delahaye
Science, Technology, Energy and Mining Minister, Hon. Phillip Paulwell, addresses the ceremony for the official handing over of a new air conditioning system to the Annotto Bay Hospital by the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ). The ceremony was held on the hospital grounds in St. Mary on October 28.

The Facts

  • The overhaul is expected to reduce the facility’s electricity usage by 77,440 kilowatt-hour or 34 per cent. This is expected to result in the institution saving about $1.8 million per year.
  • Speaking at the official handover ceremony at the hospital on October 28, Minister Paulwell hailed the undertaking by PCJ which, he said, is in keeping with the Public Sector Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programme.

The Full Story

The Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) has invested $12 million in upgrading the air-conditioning system, which serves the operating theatre suites and the accident and emergency ward of the Annotto Bay Hospital in St. Mary.

The overhaul is expected to reduce the facility’s electricity usage by 77,440 kilowatt-hour or 34 per cent. This is expected to result in the institution saving about $1.8 million per year.

Speaking at the official handover ceremony at the hospital on October 28, Minister Paulwell hailed the undertaking by PCJ which, he said, is in keeping with the Public Sector Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programme.

The programme, being implemented through funding from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), seeks to slash the Government’s $14 billion electricity bill. “Under (the programme), an investment of US$20 million, over four years, is expected to yield savings of $3.2 billion each year, upon completion,” said Minister Paulwell.

To date, the Government has realised savings of approximately $80 million under the initiative.

The upgrading of the air-conditioning system at Annotto Bay Hospital forms part of the PCJ’s own mandate to reduce the national energy bill by equipping public sector facilities with energy-efficient technology.

The Corporation recently completed a similar project at the Spanish Town Hospital in St. Catherine, upgrading the unit serving the facility’s maternity wing at a cost of $8.4 million.

Over the last two fiscal years, the PCJ has spent more than $60 million on energy efficiency projects in schools, hospitals and other public service institutions.

Minister Paulwell commended the Corporation for utilising “practical and meaningful interventions to underpin its activities.”

He also indicated than in short order an analysis of the Annotto Bay Hospital’s roofing space will be conducted in order to facilitate greater use of solar panels.

Meanwhile, Group General Manager of PCJ, Winston Watson, said the entity, which is an agency of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, is committed to providing solutions to reduce energy costs in the public sector.

“On the one hand, we are working on large-scale national projects in order to diversify the country’s energy needs. On the other hand we are facilitating better management of our energy consumption by improving energy efficiency at Government institutions,” he said.

Senior Medical Officer of the Hospital, Dr. Ray Fraser, expressed appreciation for the new air-conditioning system which, he said, has improved the comfort levels of both staff and patients.

Member of Parliament for South East St. Mary, Dr. Winston Green, and Mayor of Port Maria, Councillor Levan Freeman, also endorsed the donation to the hospital.

Last Updated: October 30, 2015

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