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Over $1 Billion Spent Annually by NHF

April 4, 2007

The Full Story

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller said over $1 Billion was being spent annually by the National Health Fund (NHF) to assist beneficiaries with the purchase of prescription drugs. She made the disclosure on Wednesday (Apr. 4) at the reopening of a new production plant by Federated Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. in Kingston.
The Prime Minister added that the support of the pharmaceutical industry was pivotal to the availability of a sustainable supply of essential drugs and related products for the country’s health care system. She said Federated Pharmaceutical Company continues to play a vital role in the drive to safeguard and promote the health of the nation, adding that local manufacture of medicinal drugs would effectively reduce the burden of importation.
She said the government has a responsibility to ensure the provision of health care for Jamaicans, but that this could not be fulfilled without strong partnership with the various stakeholder groups. She pointed out that local manufacturers of pharmaceutical supplies should therefore be proactive and innovative in identifying their role and place in achieving this objective.Mrs. Simpson Miller noted that sustained interventions by the government have resulted in the country’s health status being comparable to that of many developed countries. She said laws were enacted and regulations established to ensure the quality and safety of both imported and locally manufactured drugs, including a Generic Drug Law that allows consumers the right to chose less costly versions of brand-name drugs.
“Today Jamaica is free from many diseases which are still prevalent in some countries,” Mrs. Simpson Miller stated.
She said the $100 Million invested by the company in renovating the plant and modernizing its operations was a clear signal of its commitment to the growth and development of the pharmaceutical industry. She said it was also an expression of its confidence in the future of Jamaica and the economy.
She said the government would continue to provide investors with concrete evidence of its unshakable commitment to facilitating business development. She called on Jamaicans to put the development process in overdrive, by becoming bold and adventurous as they take advantage of the business opportunities that have been created.

Last Updated: April 4, 2007

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