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Over $1 Billion Budgeted for Mobay Convention Centre

April 13, 2009

The Full Story

The Montego Bay Convention Centre in St. James has received $1.2 billion in the 2009/10 Estimates of Expenditure to continue its construction.
The project is expected to provide direct and indirect employment for approximately 2,300 persons and, eventually, generate foreign exchange earnings from direct and indirect spending by delegates, exhibitors and associates using the facility, as well as improve the infrastructure available for convention type activities.
Soil investigations and vegetation assessment have been done, the Estimates stated, and the building approval obtained from the Parish Council. In addition, designs have been completed, conditions precedent to loan disbursement approved, contractors mobilised, site clearance and hoarding commenced and material for the works has already arrived.
Implementation of civil works, achieving approximately 30 percent of completion, is expected this fiscal year.
Ground was broken on February 14 symbolically marking the official start of construction of the long awaited Centre. The facility, located in the Rose Hall area of Montego Bay, will be financed by the Government of China through a concessional loan agreement, with major financial input from the Government of Jamaica.
In his address at the official groundbreaking ceremony, Prime Minister Bruce Golding, described the Centre, as a long needed facility and thanked the Government of China for making it possible.

Last Updated: August 27, 2013

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