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Order and Discipline Needed…PM Golding

October 2, 2009

The Full Story

Bus operators will have to treat their franchises with more respect or they will put their licences at risk. Prime Minister, the Hon. Bruce Golding issued this warning during his Jamaica House Live call-in radio programme this week.
Responding to a caller who complained about the ongoing unreliable bus service in the Waterhouse area of kingston, the Prime Minister said: “Part of this new paradigm that I am talking about, of governance, we are going to start making these bus operators know, if you form the fool, if you won’t obey the rules, if you are going to go on with that kind of disorder, we are going to take away your licence.”
“One of the things that we need to start putting back in this place is some order, some discipline; rules are rules,” the Prime Minister emphasised.
Mr. Golding also noted that the same discipline applied to persons who borrowed money, but who made no effort to repay.
“If you owe money and you cannot find the amount that you are supposed to pay, carry in what you can. Agencies are very lenient. Where they will get hard is when they don’t see you,” he said.
The Prime Minister was responding to an email complaint about a $66,000 loan in 1997 that has become $200,000, as it was not being serviced.

Last Updated: August 21, 2013

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