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ODPEM NEWS RELEASE ISSUED ON: Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 6:15 p.m.

May 10, 2007

The Full Story

The Meteorological Service is advising the public that the country will continue to experience outbreaks of showers during the next 24 hours as a result of a surface trough across the island.
All Parish Disaster Committees have been alerted and are monitoring the situation in their respective parishes.
The public is advised to:
Stay tuned to the news and weather reports and listen out for emergency instructions, if any should be given.
Exercise caution when using bridges, fordings and passes near to rivers and streams that are already in spate.
Do not drive through water-filled gullies.
Avoid areas that are at risk from flooding and landslides.
Motorists are asked to be especially cautious when driving through the Bog Walk Gorge.
The ODPEM is closely monitoring the situation and will provide the country with further updates as the situation demands.

Last Updated: May 10, 2007

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