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ODPEM Encourages Special Focus on Protecting Vulnerable Groups During Disasters

By: , May 27, 2019

The Key Point:

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) is encouraging persons to play their part in protecting vulnerable groups during times of disaster.
ODPEM Encourages Special Focus on Protecting Vulnerable Groups During Disasters
Photo: Contributed
Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) Marketing Manager, David Nation.

The Facts

  • “We want to remind persons that as we move into the hurricane season, just keep an eye out for your neighbour, the indigent, and homeless persons, because disaster management is everybody’s business. We want to build community resilience, and that starts with one person… one community at a time,” ODPEM’s Marketing Manager, David Nation, said in an interview with JIS News.
  • In keeping with the agency’s Hurricane and Disaster Preparedness Month focus of building resilient communities, ODPEM partnered with the Nathan Ebanks Foundation to host the third annual Family Expo and Special Needs Resource Fair at Hope Gardens, St. Andrew, on May 25.

The Full Story

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) is encouraging persons to play their part in protecting vulnerable groups during times of disaster.

“We want to remind persons that as we move into the hurricane season, just keep an eye out for your neighbour, the indigent, and homeless persons, because disaster management is everybody’s business. We want to build community resilience, and that starts with one person… one community at a time,” ODPEM’s Marketing Manager, David Nation, said in an interview with JIS News.

In keeping with the agency’s Hurricane and Disaster Preparedness Month focus of building resilient communities, ODPEM partnered with the Nathan Ebanks Foundation to host the third annual Family Expo and Special Needs Resource Fair at Hope Gardens, St. Andrew, on May 25.

The expo, which was hosted in collaboration with various other entities including the Jamaica Fire Brigade and the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA), focused on equipping families with the requisite support and tools to care for the vulnerable.

Representatives from the ODPEM shared information on how to prepare for earthquakes and hurricanes, and general disaster preparedness tips.

They also had a ‘Hazard Hunt’ to help persons identify and prioritise areas for attention in their surroundings that could potentially worsen the effects of a disaster. The information shared was geared towards persons with disabilities (PWD).

“We want to ensure that persons living with disabilities have an appreciation for what disaster management is, that caregivers have an appreciation for what they can do to ensure that they are protected and that, as a wider community and country, we can cater for these persons because they are part of the vulnerable grouping,” Mr. Nation said.

Last Updated: May 27, 2019

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