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November 7 is New Deadline for Heritage Essay and Poster Competitions

By: , November 1, 2014

The Key Point:

The Jamaica Information Service (JIS) has extended the deadline for entries in the 2014 Heritage Essay and Poster Competitions.
November 7  is New Deadline for  Heritage Essay and Poster Competitions
Photo: JIS

The Facts

  • Students now have until midnight on Friday (November 7) to submit their entries, which is a seven-day extension from the previous deadline of October 31.
  • The essay competition, which targets primary and preparatory school students, age nine to 12 years, has been open since September 5. Entrants are asked to write a 400 to 500 word essay on the topic: ‘Which National Heritage Site is Most Significant? Why?’

The Full Story

The Jamaica Information Service (JIS) has extended the deadline for entries in the 2014 Heritage Essay and Poster Competitions.

Students now have until midnight on Friday (November 7) to submit their entries, which is a seven-day extension from the previous deadline of October 31.

The essay competition, which targets primary and preparatory school students, age nine to 12 years, has been open since September 5. Entrants are  asked to write a 400 to 500 word essay on the topic: ‘Which National Heritage Site is Most Significant? Why?’  

The inaugural poster competition, which targets secondary level students, Grades 7 to 13 is running simultaneously with the essay competition and requires entrants to submit a graphic designed or illustrated poster depicting the theme ‘We are Free’.  The posters should be no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches and done in landscape or portrait orientation. Graphic posters should include no other image but those provided on the JIS website through DropBox, and all pieces must be submitted by filling out the entry form on the website: www.jis.gov.jm.  Students entering the graphics category are being asked to submit their posters using a cloud storage service, such as DropBox, SkyDrive or Google Drive. Illustrations, however, should be mailed or dropped off at the JIS Head Office located at 58a Half-Way Tree Road, or the Montego Bay Office located at the National Housing Trust building, 2nd Floor, 42 B-C Union Street, Montego Bay, St. James.

Meanwhile, entries for the essay competition should be submitted through the application forms, which can be found on the JIS website at www.jis.gov.jm.


Prizes include a weekend for four, tablet computers, a printer, book vouchers, cash, Summer Graphic courses, trophies and more.

Sponsors include Franklyn D. Resort, Singer Jamaica Limited, LIME, CARIMAC, Guardian Life, Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts, Victoria Mutual Building Society, Sangster’s Bookstore, Royale Computers and Accessories, and WB Trophies.

Last Updated: November 1, 2014

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