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No Parking will be Allowed near Sabina Park

February 19, 2007

The Full Story

The Jamaica Local Organising Committee (LOC) is reminding persons that there will be absolutely no parking allowed close to both Sabina Park and the Trelawny multi-purpose stadium during the ICC Cricket World Cup 2007.
Speaking to JIS News, Major Desmon Brown, Chairman of the Transportation Committee for the Jamaica LOC, reiterated that it would not be business as usual around Sabina Park in particular, where patrons pay $200 or more to park in the yards of residents and the car parks of business places.
“This is because of the security arrangements for international events, and the Cricket World Cup is the third largest international event, so the parking arrangements have to be substantially different,” he explained.
“Just to warn people, if they think they can beat the system and they are caught, it is going to be very expensive. It is not worth it as it will be $10,000 if your car is towed,” Major Brown pointed out.
The system in place for Sabina Park is that parking will be available in five designated areas. These are the National Heroes’ Park, National Stadium car park, Up Park Camp, the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) west car park, and the playfield at the Elletson Road Police Station. Up Park Camp and National Heroes Park are park and walk sites, while the others are park and ride sites.
“If you are coming from the East, you go to the playfield at Elletson Road Police Station and if you are coming from the North anywhere in Kingston and St. Andrew, you go to the National Stadium and Up Park Camp and if you are coming from the West or the North coast, you go to National Heroes Park or the UDC car park, and if you are coming from Portmore you go to the UDC car park,” he explained.
The facilities have been colour-coded so as to prevent confusion on the part of patrons, who may be unfamiliar with Sabina Park environs. Persons will get a colour arm band that will match the shuttle bus. The colour code for the National Stadium car park will be blue, while the UDC car park will be coded red and the playfield at the Elletson Police Station, yellow. National Heroes Park will have a green code. Parking in these facilities will attract a cost and this is based on the seating capacity of the car. Prices range from $1,000 to $2,000 for most of the car parks, apart from Up Park Camp, where prices are from $500 to $1,000. For the Trelawny multi-purpose stadium, Major Brown said that no parking would be allowed along the North Coast Highway and the access road between the highway and the stadium.
“There is a mile of dual carriageway from the North coast highway to the entrance gate and no parking will be allowed in that area,” he added.
Parking will be available near the site of the venue and will also attract a cost. The prices are similar to those for Up Park Camp.
The ICC CWC 2007 begin on March 11 with the opening ceremony at the Trelawny multipurpose stadium.

Last Updated: February 19, 2007

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