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New Firearms Act to Strengthen Jamaica’s Capacity to Respond to Armed Violence

By: , September 18, 2022

The Key Point:

Jamaica’s capacity to respond to armed violence will be strengthened, following the Senate’s approval of the new Firearms (Prohibition, Restriction and Regulation) Act 2022, says Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang
New Firearms Act to Strengthen Jamaica’s Capacity to Respond to Armed Violence
Photo: Contributed
Prime Minister, the Most. Hon. Andrew Holness (centre), in discussion with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang (left), and Police Commissioner, Major General Antony Anderson, at the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s (JCF) passing out parade ceremony at the National Police College of Jamaica, in Twickenham Park, St. Catherine, on September 14.

The Facts

  • Dr. Chang added that with significant investments being made to improve the JCF’s technological capacity, working conditions and vehicle fleet, the officers who dedicate their lives to national security will be fully equipped to break the back of crime.
  • A gun amnesty will be declared under the new regulations of the Firearms Act. This will allow persons who may be in possession of illegal firearms, the opportunity to surrender these weapons to the State without the fear of prosecution.

The Full Story

Jamaica’s capacity to respond to armed violence will be strengthened, following the Senate’s approval of the new Firearms (Prohibition, Restriction and Regulation) Act 2022, says Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang.

Speaking at the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s (JCF) recent passing out parade ceremony in St. Catherine, Dr. Chang said the Government’s objective is to criminalise all aspects of illegal firearms and ammunition.

“We are focusing on dealing with illegal firearms and prohibited weapons, their parts and ammunition which, in the near term, contribute to, not only reducing homicides, but bolstering the work of the police,” the Minister said.

Dr. Chang added that with significant investments being made to improve the JCF’s technological capacity, working conditions and vehicle fleet, the officers who dedicate their lives to national security will be fully equipped to break the back of crime.

“Officers have been well trained, and we have provided them with the required tools to go on policing operations. We have also procured a number of equipment to ensure both public order and the officers’ personal safety,” the Minister said.

The proposed amendments to the Act are targetted at providing greater prohibition, restriction and regulation of firearms, their parts, components and ammunition, and connected matters.

A gun amnesty will be declared under the new regulations of the Firearms Act. This will allow persons who may be in possession of illegal firearms, the opportunity to surrender these weapons to the State without the fear of prosecution.

The House of Representatives recently passed the Bill.

Last Updated: September 19, 2022

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