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New Customs Head Appointed

By: , April 7, 2017

The Key Point:

The Ministry of Finance and the Public Service wishes to announce the appointment of Mrs. Velma Ricketts Walker as the new Chief Executive Office/Commissioner of Customs for the Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA).
New Customs Head Appointed
Photo: Contributed
Mrs. Velma Ricketts Walker

The Facts

  • Mrs. Ricketts Walker has over 17 years of experience in Customs Administration, Trade Facilitation, Risk Analysis, Strategic Planning, International Trade, Security, Compliance and Enforcement.

The Full Story

PRESS RELEASE – The Ministry of Finance and the Public Service wishes to announce the appointment of Mrs. Velma Ricketts Walker as the new Chief Executive Office/Commissioner of Customs for the Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA).

She will assume duties as Chief Executive Officer/Commissioner of Customs on Monday, April 10, 2017.

Mrs. Ricketts Walker has over 17 years of experience in Customs Administration, Trade Facilitation, Risk Analysis, Strategic Planning, International Trade, Security, Compliance and Enforcement.

In 2011 she served as Assistant Commissioner, Compliance and Enforcement, with the JCA.

She was previously employed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a Revenue Administration Adviser where she assisted regional customs administration with the development and strengthening of their risk management programs and organizational strategic reform.

She is a licensed Customs Broker and an IMF Certified and Trained Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT) Assessor.

The Ministry of Finance and the Public Service welcomes Mrs. Velma Ricketts Walker to the team and again acknowledges the sterling contribution of the former Commissioner of Customs, Major (R’td.) Richard Reese.

The Ministry also expresses appreciation to Mrs. Pamella Folkes who served as Acting Commissioner from February 6, 2017, for her contribution.

Mrs. Folkes will resume her duties as Deputy Financial Secretary, Taxation Policy Division, Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, as at Monday, April 10, 2017.

Last Updated: April 7, 2017

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