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‘My Mother Instilled the Values of Honesty in Me’…Brooks Tells PM

January 7, 2009

The Full Story

Dhamia Brooks has added another special event to the memorable moments that have marked the start of her New Year.
The ‘Million dollar cash find’ lady had the pleasure of dining with Prime Minister Bruce Golding this afternoon (Jan 6) during which she recalled her story of the money she found at the ATM machine in Portmore, St Catherine on Sunday, December 28.
Accompanied by Woman District Constable, Michelle Lewis, Dhamia accepted Prime Minister Golding’s invitation to join him and the National Director of the National Transformation Programme, Pastor Al Miller for lunch at Jamaica House, so they could get a firsthand account of what drove her to take this honest reaction to her find. Prime Minister Golding showered her with praises for her honest deed and took delight in hearing her recapture the moment she found the cash.
“It’s the way my mother brought me up to know that honesty is the best policy. If something isn’t mine, then I have no right to take it. She has always instilled those principles in me and they have guided my life to this day”, Dhamia told PM Golding and Pastor Miller over lunch. “I couldn’t live with myself knowing that I have taken money that isn’t mine. At no time did the thought even enter my mind to walk out of that ATM machine with the million dollars”, she noted.
At the time when she pointed out the money to DC Lewis, she didn’t know Lewis was a cop. It was Lewis who assisted her in taking the money to the police station for it to be returned to its rightful owners. Says Pastor Al Miller, “This kind of gesture shows that there is so much hope for Jamaica. That there are good, honest people out there still and that we can and must return to upholding those values in our society. It’s what the National Transformation Programme is all about. I want to invite both Dhamia and DC Lewis to join us in our campaign of spreading the message throughout Jamaica”, he said.
The National Transformation Programme is a non-partisan, moral, value-based programme that intends to trigger a positive transformation process for all Jamaicans. It is a Civil Society led partnership of Church, State, Private Sector, Civil Society and Patriots, fully supported by the Prime Minister.

Last Updated: January 7, 2009

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