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MOEY Advises of Process for PEP Transfers

By: , July 20, 2022
MOEY Advises of Process for PEP Transfers
Photo: JIS
Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams

The Full Story

The Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY) is reminding stakeholders that the Ministry does not facilitate the general transfer of students from one school to another.

In a bulletin released by the MOEY, it was stated that the Ministry will only assist with transfers in cases of proximity, where a student may have been placed at a school in which he/she would need to travel long distances from home.

Where parents are seeking transfers for children already placed in schools through the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) placement process, these parents/guardians are being reminded that it is their responsibility to contact a school that is willing to accept their child/children.

The procedure for transfer is parents/guardians submit a letter of request for transfer to the school, the accepting school should provide the parent/guardian with an acceptance letter, the acceptance letter should be taken to the school where the child was originally placed, the school administrator must provide the parent with a release letter.

In addition, the parent/guardian is then required to write a letter addressed to the Permanent Secretary, MOEY, requesting approval for transfer. This letter must be accompanied by the acceptance and release letters and should be taken to the respective regional office.

Finally, the MOEY, through the regional offices, will send approval letters to the accepting and releasing schools within one week from the date received.

For additional information, queries can be sent to pepaction@moey.gov.jm or call the Ministry’s regional offices across the island.

Last Updated: July 21, 2022

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