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Ministry Implementing Measures to Sustain Fishing Industry

October 5, 2011

The Full Story

KINGSTON — The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries is implementing a number of strategies to narrow the gap between fish imports and exports, as it seeks to improve the sustainability of the industry.

Noting that over 28,000 metric tonnes of fish, valued at $7.8 billion,  are imported annually, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Robert Montague, noted that the plan will be effected by the draft fisheries policy and strategic framework, which will be brought to Parliament early 2011.

"The policy outlines measures aimed at improving food security, reducing declining fish production, and fisheries enhancement, among others," he explained.

Mr. Montague was responding to questions put forward by Member of Parliament for South St. Andrew, Dr. Omar Davies, at yesterday's (October 4)  sitting of the House of Representatives at the Jamaica Conference Centre, downtown Kingston.

He noted that other initiatives to narrow that gap include: the establishment of an agricultural development fund; and a fisheries management and development fund, both of which are being used to finance projects promoting the sustainable development of the fisheries sector.

Another measure, he said, is "taking bold conservation oriented moves, such as the recent establishment of nine fish sanctuaries with attendant funding to support partner non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in co-managing these sanctuaries." The nine sanctuaries bring to 11 the number of sanctuaries across the island.

Other steps include the enactment of new regulations to increase the mesh wire size to 1.5 inches; and the banning of all night fishing using spear guns or other impaling devices; as well as the enhancement and rehabilitation of sensitive and critical marine habitats, through the introduction of artificial reef systems, and lobster shelters.


By Alphea Saunders, JIS Reporter

Last Updated: August 5, 2013

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