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Mining Operations Account For Most Foreign Exchange In 2020

By: , May 27, 2021
Mining Operations Account For Most Foreign Exchange In 2020
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of Transport and Mining, Hon. Robert Montague, speaks in the House of Representatives on Wednesday (May 26).

The Full Story

Transport and Mining Minister, Hon. Robert Montague, says mining operations accounted for the most foreign exchange earned in 2020, the year in which the COVID-19 pandemic caused havoc for numerous sectors islandwide.

Speaking in the 2021/22 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on May 26, the Minister said the mining sector remains buoyant, resilient and strong in the midst of this pandemic.

“There are approximately 490 licensed mining operations in Jamaica. This contributes to approximately three per cent of our GDP [gross domestic product] and earned the most foreign exchange for the country in 2020,” he noted.

In 2019, Mining and Quarrying accounted for 51 per cent of Jamaica’s domestic export earnings.

“The Mines and Geology Division continues to exceed our expectations. The process of granting new licences, renewals and inspections have vastly improved and I pay tribute to the Commissioner of Mines and the staff for their exceptional work,” the Minister said.

Mr. Montague also acknowledged the Opposition Spokesman on Mining, Member of Parliament for East Kingston and Port Royal, Phillip Paulwell, who has offered advice and support.

“I consult with him regularly. The Mining Council was his idea, and I implemented it. We both understand that priceless privilege of serving the Jamaican people. He does not only come and oppose, but he gives suggestions, recommendations and alternatives. I respect and welcome his contribution and recommend to others this professional yet cordial relationship,” he said.

Last Updated: May 27, 2021

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