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MIND Hosts Online Public Lecture April 26

By: , April 24, 2024
MIND Hosts Online Public Lecture April 26
Photo: Stock
Open hand reveals a secure digital network, symbolizing navigating connections and data responsibly in today's business landscape.

The Full Story

The Management Institute for National Development (MIND) will host its Annual Public Lecture under the theme ‘Navigating Compliance in the Digital Age: Implications for Businesses’, on Friday, April 26, from 10:00 a.m. to noon.

The lecture supports the National Vision, National Outcome number six, which speaks to Effective Governance.

This emphasises the need for transparent, accountable, and participatory governance structures, which are crucial for ensuring compliance with all regulations and standards.

This lecture is aimed at heightening public awareness on the implications of the Data Protection Act 2020, as well as to provide a forum of exchange of information that results in improved thought and behaviour change.

Deputy Information Commissioner at the Office of the Information Commissioner, David Grey, JP, will be the presenter.

Director of Business Development and Communications at MIND, Prudence James Townsend, said that “the Institute is ever conscious of its corporate social responsibility, and the organisation’s mission is to serve and satisfy the best interest of all our stakeholders”.

“While our core business brings us primarily in direct contact with our public sector and other allied stakeholder groups, MIND continually seeks out and utilises opportunities to interface directly with the public, whom we ultimately serve,” she explained.

Director of Business Development and Communications, at the Management Institute for National Development (MIND), Prudence James Townsend.

The online event is open to the public via Zoom – meeting code 825 1691 9307, password 404671.

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

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