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Medical Association of Jamaica Commended for 50 Years of Service

By: , June 8, 2015

The Key Point:

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, has commended the Medical Association of Jamaica (MAJ) for its invaluable contribution to the country’s health sector.
Medical Association of Jamaica Commended for 50 Years of Service
Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (left), and Medical Association of Jamaica (MAJ) President, Dr. Shane Alexis, display the official Proclamation document declaring June 7 to 14, 2015, as Medical Association of Jamaica Golden Jubilee Week, during the Friday’s (June 5) proclamation ceremony at King’s House.

The Full Story

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, has commended the Medical Association of Jamaica (MAJ) for its invaluable contribution to the country’s health sector.

He was speaking at the official proclamation ceremony declaring June 7 to 14, 2015, as Medical Association of Jamaica (MAJ) Golden Jubilee Week, on Friday, June 5, at King’s House.

“The Medical Association of Jamaica’s Golden Jubilee Week highlights the major contribution of medical doctors in healing the sick, keeping the well, protecting the vulnerable, and giving much yet expecting little” he said.

In celebration of its 50th Anniversary, the MAJ will host a week of activities aimed at heightening public awareness about the range of health related issues arising from Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs), such as diabetes and hypertension.

Under the theme: ‘Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases: the 21st Century Tsunami’, the MAJ will kick off its celebratory activities with a church service at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Chapel on Sunday, June 7.

This will be followed by the Golden Jubilee Charity Banquet, slated for the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston, on Monday, June 8, the proceeds of which will go towards Food for the Poor, and the UWI’s Sickle Cell Unit.

A four-day medical symposium is also slated for the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, from June 11 to 14.

The symposium will feature workshops, lectures, and video clips, among other presentations, highlighting professional development, community service, and social and networking engagements.

Members of the public are invited to attend the opening ceremony on Wednesday, June 10, at the Courtleigh Auditorium, New Kingston.

Speaking with JIS News following the proclamation ceremony, MAJ President, Dr. Shane Alexis, said the Golden Jubilee celebration aim to highlight some of the organization’s achievements to date, as well as to “plan for the next 50 years, as it relates to health care”.

Stakeholders partnering with the MAJ to stage the activities, include: the National Health Fund (NHF); Scotia Bank Jamaica; and Health City, Cayman Islands.

Further information can be sourced at: www.doctorsja.com.


Last Updated: June 8, 2015

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